Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 4 in Second Life

Today, I collaborated with other classmates to create an annotated list. This assignment took a lot longer than expected but was very informational. I learned Second Life has several educational resources varying in multiple categories. For example:

Site: The Abyss Observatory
SL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Second%20Earth%203/127/128/21Web: http://aquarobo.com/abyss/

Description: A Museum/ Aquarium of Earth System Science, marine lives, underwater Technology, and a sense of wonder. The Abyss Observatory is an international museum of Earth science, undersea technology and also the mysteries of Earth & Life in 3D virtual space "Second Life"(SL)

Review: The site is well-designed, easy to navigate and engaging for visitors. This would be a great site for students to explore. The simulation gives the SL user several tour choices. Each tour leads the user to a different location (on ground or underwater) of the museum by teleportation.  My favorite exhibits were the the underwater tour and the ocean research vessel and submersible. I would say every tour is worth experiencing.

Category: Ocean Science 
Learning Area/Audience: Science/Adults, children (with parent), anyone interested in ocean science and biology.

The most frustrating part of the assignment was finding the SL URL, but once I figured it out the rest of the assignment became manageable. (Press map button> copy to clipboard> paste on a blank document> SL URL appears)

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